
Promoting unity among people of faith (or no particular faith) in the 21st Century.

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Religious and ethnic ‘Unity, Diversity and Inclusion’ continues to glow as model interfaith dialogue grows

July 27th · Catholic, Chiara Lubich, Christian, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Interfaith, Islam, Muslim

On the sign-in table was the Focolare’s Living City magazine edition proclaiming “Building blocks for world peace.” In the room, that’s what was happening. I’m not sure which was more inspiring: the enlightening DVD and discussion, or the wonderful human spirit with which folks connected after.

As we plan what’s next, while encouraging you and yours to do the same where you are (and/or join us next time), here are more scenes as Christian members of the Focolare in South Florida, Muslim members of New Africa of the Palm Beaches, and folks from other spiritual traditions joined for an examination of the late Blessed Lady Chiara Lubich‘s historic 1997 address at Harlem’s Malcolm Shabazz Mosque, at the invitation of the late eminent Imam Warith Deen Mohammed:


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‘Bible on the Beach’ theme: Exercise Your Faith

July 24th · Bible, Interfaith

Great daybreak class this morning at the Lake Worth Municipal Beach led by Tee Jackson, a wonderful teacher sharing universal principles from her Christian perspective:

“Some of us lift weights, watch our diets religiously and spend countless hours in the gym. Do we display that same determination in our spiritual lives? Do we have that same zeal for exercising our minds, soul and spirit? Since none of us can become godly by osmosis, we need to learn to exercise our faith. It takes exercise and effort to achieve spiritual faith.”


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Join Us for return to Harlem’s Malcolm Shabazz Mosque and historic 1997 address by Focolare’s Chaira Lubich

July 24th · Catholic, Chiara Lubich, Christian, Community Life, Focolare, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Interfaith, Islam, Muslim

With G-d’s Name, the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer

Join Us As We Again Spotlight

“Model Interfaith Dialogue & Unity”

Featuring an examination of Focolare founder Chiara Lubich’s historic 1997 address to a gathering of 3,000 at Harlem’s Malcolm Shabazz Mosque. The event sparked a continuing upsurge in interfaith collaboration.

Sunday, July 25, 2-4 p.m.

United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches

900 Brandywine Road, West Palm Beach 33409

Former Palm Beach Post writer/editor C.B. Hanif moderates a video and discussion with Mercedes Mont and Martin Alfaro, Christian members of the Focolare Movement.


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‘Can banning the Niqab really work?’ asks Syria Comment

July 19th · Islam, Muslim

Joshua Landis, with links to varied views at his Syria Comment blog, does a really nice job covering the spectrum of Muslim and other opinion on the banning sentiment that right-wing Western pols and the Syrian government apparently have in common. Attorney Ronald Sokol’s focus on the ironies of the “veiled arguments” are particularly poignant. Here also is the Associated Press’ report. Having pointed to all of that, I particularly would like to hear more from the ladies, of all stripes, who are having to deal with yet another mess we guys have made.

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Awesome Haiti episodes: WLRN radio’s ‘Under The Sun’

July 18th · Haiti

The humanity sings. Listen to the video ( that’s right — listen, video) captured by deeply moved medical professionals in a crowded, makeshift hospital tent following the earthquake devastation.  Nine minutes of amazing story, powerfully told.

Also, from Notre Dame D’Haiti church in Miami, “the living room” of the Haitian-American community in South Florida, more sounds of “Faith in the Aftermath.” Just over four minutes, well invested. “When we are singing we are praying.”

Or, hear the entire detailed, hourlong “Under the Sun” special on Haiti. Way to go, WLRN.

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Tikkun on UUs at work: General Assembly of Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA)

July 16th · Unitarian Universalist

Good look at some good folks, what they’re about, and what they’re trying to do:


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Scenes from a beautiful Bahamas 4th of July

July 6th · Interfaith

With appreciation  to my dear friend Imam Bilal Saleem and his wife, of Jacksonville, who invited us to join them for the weekend, my wife and I enjoyed our most beautiful U.S. Independence Day in memory. Imam Saleem, whose deceased father was from New Providence island, home of the Bahama islands’ capital and commercial center, Nassau, provided a reminder of how much more one can enjoy a new and different place with someone who knows it intimately, as he showed us all around.


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Exemplary interfaith model: Focolare Movement and Muslim American students of Imam W.D. Mohammed

July 2nd · Chiara Lubich, Christian, Focolare, New Africa of the Palm Beaches

The gracious United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches was the scene of Sunday’s inspirational gathering that highlighted the exemplary interfaith unity among members of the international Focolare lay Catholic movement, founded by the late Lady Chiara Lubich, and students of the late Imam W. Deen Mohammed, internationally recognized leader of two million Muslim Americans organized locally as New Africa of the Palm Beaches.

The program continued these Christians’ and Muslims’ longstanding and dynamic involvement in building bridges across religious, ethic and cultural lines.


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Father-and-son Knights for Guatemala

July 2nd · Christian, Delray Beach, The Coastal Star

My latest InterFaith21 offering for The Coastal Star newspaper: Monsignor Tom Skindeleski, of St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church in Delray Beach, leads his 9th annual Knights of Columbus father-and-son contingent in service to students in the rainforests of Guatemala.

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Hope to see U: Muslim-Christian Model Dialogue, Unity

June 26th · Christian, Focolare, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Muslim

Sunday, June 27, 2-4 p.m., United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches, 900 Brandywine Road, West Palm Beach.

“Religions, with all their differences, are being called on to come together as never before.” — Cardinal Francis Arinze, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

“The Principle of Love, taken from the message of Jesus Christ, is an idea we embrace totally, and anybody can embrace totally.”the late Imam W. Deen Mohammed

Former Palm Beach Post writer/editor C.B. Hanif moderates a video and discussion on the perennial “International Meeting of Muslim Friends of the Focolare” in Italy.


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