The South Florida Times has my report on the encouraging 25th annual National Conference on Preventing Crime in the Black Community.
The South Florida Times has my report on the encouraging 25th annual National Conference on Preventing Crime in the Black Community.
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Stumbled upon the headline, and, seeing mention of the Griffin Road temple that I cited in a recent essay, it seemed appropriate to note the story.
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The new Youth Activity Center at the BAPS Swaminarayan temple in Boynton Beach will be “a place to work on that masterpiece that is your life,” Parikshit Shingala told his fellow youths. Here’s a link to my report for The Coastal Star on the inauguration ceremonies. As the photos below may suggest, the folks assembled from near and far for the event made my first experience at a Hindu gathering informative and rewarding.
Jane Marcel, senior executive advisor for the Toussaint L'Overture High School for Arts and Social Justice in Boynton Beach, helped pack the Duncan Center on May 6. In many languages, modes and traditions, area spiritual leaders offered prayers for our community, our nation and the world. The program was sponsored by the Delray Beach Interfaith Clergy Association.
The Rev. Waymon T. Dixon, co-president (along with the Rev. Kathleen Gannon) of the Delray Beach Interfaith Clergy Association, in which I participate, has posted on his Facebook page more photos from this year’s heart-warming National Day of Prayer Observance and reception May 6 at the Duncan Conference Center. Kudos to the Rev. Joanna Thompson Gabriel, Donna Brueggemann and the rest of the team for gathering Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Bahai’s and others for this special interfaith program. Above and below: I capture several more scenes.
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My latest essay at The Coastal Star.
On the subject of death and dying from the perspective of various faith traditions, I expected to learn a lot, and I did, from my fellow panelists and other participants in the excellent March 25 program, “The End — Or Is It?”
Am just getting around to sharing this link to dozens of my wife’s photos that the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches, whose Marika Stone organized the program, posted online.
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→ No CommentsTags: Delray Beach·National Day of Prayer·The Coastal Star
→ No CommentsTags: First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches·Rev. Steve Aschmann
→ No CommentsTags: Imam Abdul-Haq Muhammed·Imam Dr. Nasir Ahmad