
Promoting unity among people of faith (or no particular faith) in the 21st Century.

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Diary of a Buddhist…more unity from the Focolare

January 14th · Buddhist, Chiara Lubich, Christian, Focolare

My Dear Friend Mercedes, of the worldwide Christian movement the Focolare, shared this “Diary of a Buddhist” item. I am compelled to do the same. Folks constantly hear me expressing gratitude for the Focolare, for their late foundress Chiara Lubich, and for their Spirituality of Unity. The item below, from a Focolare Asia Tour blog, may again show why — and why I find myself appending Mercedes’ “1” to my own messages. I love hearing my own spirituality coming back to me in others’ words. And no one I know lives Spirituality and Unity better than the Focolare:


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11th MLK Breakfast at (now) Palm Beach State College delivers the message: ‘Dream. Act. Serve.’

January 14th · Martin Luther King

Mistress of ceremonies Liz Quirantes (R), PBSC President Dennis Gallon, and the PBSC Troubadours onstage to perform "The Star Spangled Banner."

This morning promised yet another chamber of commerce day. But given the lingering coolness in the air, Palm Beach State College President Dennis Gallon made the right call to move the 11th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Breakfast inside the Duncan Theatre on the Lake Worth Campus. The former Palm Beach Community College also made another outstanding choice of keynote speaker. Sheila Johnson, whose credits include part owner of three professional sports teams, spoke in depth of the nexus of sacrifice and deep friendship between Dr. King and another great servant of humanity, Jackie Robinson.


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Hear, hear…BBC America: Guantanamo guard reunited with (wrongfully imprisoned) ex-inmates

January 12th · Afghanistan, BBC

What a powerful story. Oh, and Branford Neely? What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.

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Immigration ‘Trail Dream Walkers’ hosted at 1st UU

January 9th · Unitarian Universalist

That’s the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches. Photos and  a nice update on the Miami to Washington, D.C. Trail of Dream Walkers for immigration reform here.

That’s the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches. Nice photos and  update on the Miami-to-Washington, D.C., “Trail of Dreams” walkers for immigration reform here.

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Oh what a beautiful morning: 9th Annual Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer Breakfast in Delray Beach

January 9th · Delray Beach, Delray Beach Interfaith Clergy Association

Another sign of why Delray Beach is a two-time All America City — and a sign of what other towns can do — is the Mayor’s Interfaith Breakfast in its ninth year. The program hosted by the Greater Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce at the Delray Beach Golf Club Jan. 7 is the focus of my next column in The Coastal Star. For now, here are some scenes:

Another sign of why Delray Beach is a two-time All America City — and a loud hint of what towns all over the planet should be doing — is the annual Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer Breakfast.

Delray Beach Mayor Woody McDuffie with the Rev. Dr. Waymon T. Dixon of St. Paul A.M.E. Church and co-chair of the Delray Beach Interfaith Clergy Committee.

Delray Beach Mayor Nelson S. "Woody" McDuffie with the Rev. Dr. Waymon T. Dixon of St. Paul A.M.E. Church, co-chair of the Delray Beach Interfaith Clergy Association.


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Interfaith service for Trail of Dreams immigration walkers, Jan. 6 at St. Ann’s Catholic Church, WPB

January 5th · Interfaith

Walkers embark on their journey.

Walkers embark on their journey.

From my friend Larry Stauber, of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches:

The Trail of Dreams is on its way to Washington, DC. Juan, Carlos, Gaby, and Felipe left Miami’s Freedom Tower yesterday and are currently walking past Hollywood and nearing Dania Beach. According to walker Juan, the team skipped over the county line together when they crossed from Miami-Dade County to Broward County.
The New York Times and Associated both covered the kickoff, with a special emphasis on the bravery and sacrifice of these uncommon college kids. From the AP article, which came out in newspapers like the Washington Post and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
The group set out Friday to begin a 1,500 mile journey they are calling the “Trail of Dreams,” from Miami’s historic Freedom Tower to Washington, D.C. The goal is to raise support for legislation that would include a path to citizenship for eligible illegal immigrants.
The four, all immigrants themselves, plan to walk the entire distance, no matter the weather. They expect students and other supporters to join them along the way and plan to arrive in the capital May 1, which has become a day of immigrant rights rallies in recent years.
All are top students at local colleges and campus leaders. Some are now here legally, some are not. All say they are willing to take the risks that come with bringing attention to the plight of students who, like themselves, were brought to the U.S. as children and are now here illegally.
St. Ann’s is at 310 North Olive Avenue in West Palm Beach, across from the Courthouse [(561) 832-3757].

The Trail of Dreams is on its way to Washington, D.C. Juan, Carlos, Gaby, and Felipe left Miami’s Freedom Tower yesterday and are currently walking past Hollywood and nearing Dania Beach. According to walker Juan, the team skipped over the county line together when they crossed from Miami-Dade County to Broward County.


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‘The Qur’an, the Media and that Veil Thing,’ Delray Book Club’s novel idea: Get Muslim woman’s view

December 31st · Muslim, The Coastal Star, Women

A monthly book discussion group at the Delray Beach Public Library has been getting good reviews for addressing engaging topics. The latest theme: “ ‘The Other’ — Other Cultures and How We View Others,” was intriguing. So when I heard the title of December’s featured book, and Googled the author, I knew I didn’t want to miss the discussion of The Muslim Next Door — The Qur’an, the Media and That Veil Thing, by Sumbul Ali-Karamali.
Carl Wetzstein, one of the discussion leaders, opened up Dec. 17 by asking, “If you think of an Islamic woman, how do you picture her?” He elicited such responses as: “I picture her covered, burka,” and “a fourth-class citizen in her own ethnic group.”
Wetzstein proceeded to display Ali-Karamali’s smiling, soccer mom-looking book cover photo. “I think the cover is a metaphor for the book,” he said. “Because what she’s saying is what we see of Islam in the media is not what Islam is really like.”
Her Web site describes Ali-Karamali as “a Stanford-educated mom and corporate lawyer, with degrees in Islamic law and English,” who shares a warm, funny, yet scholarly and surprisingly down-to-earth conversation about life in America from an observant Muslim American woman’s point of view.
“She says what we see in fundamentalist Saudi Arabia and what we see in the Taliban and other terrorists represent just a tiny fraction of the billion or so Muslims in the world, and these people have twisted Islam into something it isn’t,” Wetzstein said of the Southern California-raised daughter of Indian immigrants. “She says what we observe, such as women’s dress, are a matter of culture, not of religion as expressed in the Quran.”
The 16 discussion participants arrived with definite points of view, yet were open-minded, indicated by such caveats as, “as far as I know.”
Refreshingly, the group shared experiences on Muslim culture from India to Canada to London to here, and no one seemed so stuck in his or her views as to be closed to new information. The previous month’s book was T.C. Boyle’s The Tortilla Curtain, commenting on the immigration controversy. Next month’s is The Faith Club, whose three authors, Jewish, Christian and Muslim women, spoke to 400 people in Delray during their tour several years ago.
That’s Jan. 21, 10:30 a.m. The discussion is free.
For more information, contact the Delray Beach Public Library, 100 W. Atlantic Ave., 266-9490.
(This article appears in The Coastal Star newspaper January 2010 edition with the tagline: C.B. Hanif is a writer, editor and media and inter-religious affairs consultant. Find him at

A monthly book discussion group at the Delray Beach Public Library has been getting good reviews for addressing engaging topics. The latest theme: “ ‘The Other’ — Other Cultures and How We View Others,” was intriguing. So when I heard the title of December’s featured book, and Googled the author, I knew I didn’t want to miss the discussion of The Muslim Next Door — The Qur’an, the Media and That Veil Thing, by Sumbul Ali-Karamali.


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Imam W.D. Mohammed on Christmas: Muslims are to contribute to wholesomeness in Christian society

December 19th · Imam W. Deen Mohammed

A friend passed along this excerpt that I thought others might appreciate. It is from the late leader of the largest group of Muslim Americans, Imam W.D. Mohammed.
Imam Mohammed, who came to be known as “America’s Imam,” died last year. But for me and countless others, Muslim and non, he continues to articulate the best contemporary expression of Islam.
Our popular media continue to focus our attention on the outrageous to reprehensible so-called Muslims who act in obvious contradiction of the Quran and any true love of our Creator and humanity.
But note the date. Even way back then, Imam Mohammed was leading us to recognize the true spirit and logic of our faith, of all faith.
Muslim Journal
By Imam W. Deen Mohammed
It is important that we American Muslims keep separate in our mind’s eye the meaning of Christmas for the Church and Christmastide for (the assorted) players. The two spirits are as far apart as Christ and Old Nick.
Most often, the Christian will be welcoming his holiday season as an opportunity for restoring his family’s warmth and cheer. Many will meet the holiday as workers celebrating this chance to relax with relatives and friends for a few days.
With reference to a saying of the Holy Prophet, your Imam calls attention to the fact that Muslims are to contribute to the wholesomeness of Christian religious holiday festivals: an indication of the Muslim role in promoting respect for wholesome and sacred celebrations is found in the teaching of Prophet Muhammed, which prohibits arbitrary fasting during the holidays of people of the Book. The purpose serves to preserve and to promote solemn respect for G-d and for the sacred devotion of all people.
May we embrace the wholesome expressions and good cheer and warmhearted gifts in Christian society and not to celebrate non-Islamic holidays. A Muslim gives the signal of affirmation to whatever is good in society providing that Muslim’s role in encouraging the good does not violate law, principle or spirit of Al-Islam.
The following words of caution are as much in the spirit of, and compatible with, established Christian virtues as with the Islamic faith itself: Bad deeds lead to ruin. Good deeds lead to salvation. Allah orders the doing of good by the close relatives, by the needy, and by the -down-and-out stranger. Feeding the fires of lust gives the victim to sin and corruption-. The spendthrifts are the brothers of the devils.
Holiness and cheerful seasons greetings to all our Christian friends and neighbors.

Our popular media continue to focus our attention on the outrageous, misguided or reprehensible so-called Muslims who act in obvious contradiction of the Quran, not to mention any true love of our Creator and humanity.

In contrast is this excerpt which a friend passed along that I thought others might appreciate. It is by the late leader of the largest community of Muslim Americans, Imam W. Deen Mohammed.


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Hear, hear…from NY Times: ‘Rabbi Compares West Bank Mosque Attack to Kristallnacht’

December 15th · Jewish, Muslim

Significant and worth amplifying are Robert Mackey’s blog item, and the reader comments. (Thanks to a Jewish friend who alerted me to the link.) On another note, unless I missed it, local Muslims missed an opportunity for comment regarding Topeka, Kansas’ latest visitors to PB County.

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The International League of Muslim Women again does community service with “Shop ‘Til You Drop”

December 7th · Women


Undoubtedly the best example in Florida — and among the best around the world — of Muslim and Christian women volunteers together serving women in need, took place again Saturday as The International League of Muslim Women hosted its “4th Annual Shop ’Til You Drop Day.”



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