
Promoting unity among people of faith (or no particular faith) in the 21st Century.

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WPost: Five myths about mosques in America

August 28th · Interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Quran

Important for our country that our news organization get more basic information, such as this from Edward E. Curtis IV, on board:

Through their mosques, U.S. Muslims are embracing the community involvement that is a hallmark of the American experience. In this light, mosques should be welcomed as premier sites of American assimilation, not feared as incubators of terrorist indoctrination.

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My life as news ombudsman — or Muslim in America?

August 26th · Palm Beach Post

Heading out this morning to my latest speaking engagement: the Men’s Club of Abbey Delray South, mostly retired executives and professionals who participate in community activities, do volunteer work and  have been meeting weekly for 26 years. My host told me, “I believe the topic of greatest interest to the Men’s Club would be the role of the ombudsman at a newspaper and your experiences at the Palm Beach Post. In addition, perhaps  you can discuss the Organization of News Ombudsmen and the meeting in Baku.” Hmmmm. Now why do I think most of the questions and discussion will be about the Cordoba Initiative’s Islamic Cultural Center in Manhattan and the book-burning pastor in Gainesville?


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Jon Stewart does it again: Akbar Ahmed…

August 24th · Islam, Muslim

…was surprised and pleased to find a strong presence of African-American Islam when he visited 100 mosques around America: Journey into America.

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Hear hear: ‘MLK tells us why the mosque must be built’

August 22nd · Barack Obama, Bible, Christian, Extremism, Interfaith, Islam, Martin Luther King, Muslim

Stephanie J. Jones, in today’s Washington Post (There are no outsiders among us),  eloquently  voices my argument that at the groundbreaking, dedication and grand opening of  the Cordoba Initiative’s Islamic community center in Manhattan, the 9/11 victims’ survivors should be standing out  front — and in front of them, survivors of the innocent Muslim victims. Let’s send that picture of America around the world — instead of Al Qaeda’s message that they win, because we give only lip service to our Constitution:

Lost in the furor over the proposed Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero is a simple fact: The opposition to the center is the strongest argument in favor of it going right where it is planned. By most accounts, much of the opposition is based on an inaccurate conflation of Islam with terrorism, stemming from ignorance about the Muslim religion, culture and people. While troubling, this is hardly surprising in a nation in which a significant minority of Americans believe that our Christian president is Muslim (and so what if he were?).


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From PB Post: ‘Islam, by defintion, rejects terrorism’

August 22nd · Catholic, Chiara Lubich, Christian, Focolare, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Islam, Jewish, Muslim, Palm Beach Post, Prophet Muhammad, Quran, Ramadan

This column also was reprinted in our national newspaper the Muslim Journal. Note the date:

Islam, by defintion, rejects terrorism

By C.B. Hanif

The Palm Beach Post

October 15, 2006

As one who grew up rooting for Tarzan and Cheetah to whip up on my Afro-wigged cousins portraying Hollywood’s idea of Africans, I can understand how people buy into social myths of one sort or another. And having been as clueless as most folks regarding religious traditions beyond the ones with which we grew up, I am not surprised to hear certain perceptions some folks have of Muslims.

But it is curious to observe otherwise rational people defining Islam by those who behave opposite of what the faith prescribes. To confuse the lunatic fringe with Islam’s mainstream is where much of the discourse on significant current events gets off track.


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Swiftboating a ‘mosque’ Part II

August 22nd · Delray Beach, Islam, Muslim, Palm Beach Post

Last Sunday I committed to provide documentation of Muslim condemnation of 9/11 and terrorism during our always engaging News Talk session at the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches. We won’t hear such denunciation documented on Faux News — quite the contrary. But one need only Google these things. In fact, in a search for “Muslim condemnations of 9/11,” the first link returned was a page titled…

Muslim Condemnations of 9/11.

That site reports:


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At least we agreed no Quran burning

August 18th · Islam, Muslim, Quran

With my longtime friend Rabbi Barry Silver and new friend Pastor Mark Boykin positing our various perspectives, WPBF-TV’s reporter had an unenviable job but managed to distill our comments to eight representative grafs. One small nit (sorry, it’s the news ombudsman in me): I said “healing and reconciliation,” which understandably could have been misheard given my dry-mouth, fasting state. Big nit: mislabeling continues in the headline.

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Rowe: The ugliest part of fear mongering is that the ‘they’ and ‘them’ being referred to are other Americans

August 17th · Islam, Muslim

The baiting headlines — some now morphing to “Ground Zero Mosque” in quotes — have obscured the Cordoba project’s transformative objective from its inception:

Maybe the ultimate memorial to the murder victims of September 11th would be to categorically reject the forces of political and religious divisiveness who want this fear of neighbors to fester and spread, and in doing so, issue a clear, strong statement of mutual trust and unity to those who wish harm to America, to state unambiguously that the 9/11 murderers did not succeed in their assault, an assault that was as symbolic as it was literal.

Michael Rowe

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Keith Olbermann: There Is No ‘Ground Zero Mosque’

August 17th · Interfaith, Muslim

Talk about the hate that hate produced: Muslims in general — including Muslim Americans — equated with the 9/11 murders? Meanwhile it still isn’t at Ground Zero. And it still isn’t a mosque. But while some folks who only fain interested in honest discussion — and others who don’t know better —continue to call it that, Olbermann speaks for us Americans who aren’t playing bit parts as Bin Laden’s alter ego:

We sacrificed 4,415 of our military personnel in Iraq to save Muslims, and there are thousands still there tonight to protect Muslims, but we don’t want Muslims to open a combination culinary school and prayer space in Manhattan?

… In America, when somebody comes for your neighbor, or his bible, or his torah, or his Atheists’ Manifesto, or his Koran, you and I do what our fathers did, and our grandmothers did, and our founders did you and speak up.

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Appreciation for ‘Newsmaker of the week: C.B. Hanif promotes dialogue among the faiths as imam and activist’

August 17th · Muslim, Palm Beach Post

Heartfelt thanks to my former Palm Beach Post colleagues Mitra Malek, Rich Graulich and their editors for a nice profile today of some of what I’m doing in Life After The Post: first Muslim volunteer chaplain for the Palm Beach County Sheriff Office.

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