Talk about the hate that hate produced: Muslims in general — including Muslim Americans — equated with the 9/11 murders? Meanwhile it still isn’t at Ground Zero. And it still isn’t a mosque. But while some folks who only fain interested in honest discussion — and others who don’t know better —continue to call it that, Olbermann speaks for us Americans who aren’t playing bit parts as Bin Laden’s alter ego:
We sacrificed 4,415 of our military personnel in Iraq to save Muslims, and there are thousands still there tonight to protect Muslims, but we don’t want Muslims to open a combination culinary school and prayer space in Manhattan?
… In America, when somebody comes for your neighbor, or his bible, or his torah, or his Atheists’ Manifesto, or his Koran, you and I do what our fathers did, and our grandmothers did, and our founders did you and speak up.