
Promoting unity among people of faith (or no particular faith) in the 21st Century.

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Swiftboating a mosque? It ain’t a mosque, of course. And it ain’t at Ground Zero. In face of right-wing’s latest stampede effort, a president and mayor stand for right

August 14th · Barack Obama, Interfaith, Islam, Muslim

“I am ashamed to say that it took me a week to focus on the facts and it wasn’t until I heard an architect from NY describe where the building was, that it was in the middle of a row on (sic) buildings on a city block, and how it was designed inside that I finally had the facts with which to fight emotion.” — A friend’s email

First, let’s get some real information on board. Such as the actual facts.

Meanwhile, no swiftboating on his watch: President Obama, during the annual Ramadan Iftar Dinner at the White House, lighting another candle against the darkness: The video. The transcript. WPost story. NYTimes report. HuffPost story.

Mayor Bloomberg won’t be fooled again? He remembers falling for the last such trick, when he failed to stand behind the principal of the city’s first Arabic-language public school.  A federal employment commission determined that the Bloomberg administration “succumbed to the very bias that creation of the school was intended to dispel.”

Meanwhile, back in Reality USA, a couple of real mosques, Masjid Manhattan and Masjid al-Farah, “have existed for decades, largely unnoticed, blocks from the World Trade Center site”:

One mosque is conservative, and the other is reputed to be among the most progressive in the city — making the downtown Muslim community a quintessentially New York combination of immigrants and native New Yorkers, traditionalists and spiritual seekers.

Perhaps the best for last:  Jon Stewart on the absurdity of it all.

C.B. Hanif

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Texts of Ramadan greetings from Obama, Pelosi, Clinton

August 13th · Barack Obama, Interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Prayer, Ramadan

Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God…And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.

President Barack Obama

“In the weeks to come, let us each reaffirm our commitment to the core values of all faiths: advancing justice and pursuing peace; giving to charity and working toward the common good; and treating others with dignity and respect.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

American Muslims make valuable contributions to our country every day and millions will honor this month with acts of service and giving back to their communities. Along with dozens of our Embassies, I will host an Iftar in Washington, DC, for Muslims and non-Muslims to join together and reflect on our common values, faith and the gifts of the past year.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

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Prophet Muhammad’s Pre-Ramadan Khutbah (sermon), and Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s Lecture on Ramadan

August 11th · Creator, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Interfaith, Islam, Muslim, Prayer, Prophet Muhammad, Quran, Ramadan

Courtesy of Imam Khalifah Ramadan:

As Salaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

The Khutbah Given By The Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him)

On The Last Friday Of Sha’ban

On The Reception Of The Month of Ramadan

O People!


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TnT and former Air Force chapels in ‘The Coastal Star’

August 11th · Christian,, Jesus, The Coastal Star

Check out the links to my latest InterFaith21 offerings for The Coastal Star newspaper, including:

This month’s Coastal Star, First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach’s Rev. Aaron Janklow and the popular TnT — or Twenties ’n’ Thirties — young professionals group he leads:

Young minister succeeding on his mission

And this month’s Look Inside our Places of Worship, the amazing story of the congregation whose serene, picturesque sanctuary once was a Boca Raton Air Force Base chapel:

First Church of Christ, Scientist

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A good day: Bible on the Beach to Pre-Ramadan Dinner

August 10th · Bible, Christian, Community Life, Islam, Muslim, Ramadan

The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all — I Corinthians 12:7.

First: We continue to pray for relief and the complete recovery of our dear Imam Dr. Nasir Ahmad, of Miami’s Masjid Al-Ansar,  from pneumonia complications.

Second, Miss Tee Jackson continues to deserve kudos for bringing people together with her Bible on the Beach sessions at dawn on Saturdays at the Lake Worth Municipal Beach. See the outline for last Saturday’s third of four planned sessions following the photos below. Once again it was good folks sharing the Good Word in a glorious ocean atmosphere.

There was even more good community life later as The International League of Muslim Women’s South Florida Chapter, of which my wife Aneesha is president, hosted another of their annual Pre-Ramadan Dinners, this time at Masjid Al-Ansar. Imam Nasir was sorely missed. But Imam Melton Mustafa, who also is battling illness, stepped in to help cap off a day of good universal vibrations and good company — not to mention the League members’ good food.

Next stop: the blessings of the fast of Ramadan.


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Burn, pastor, burn?

August 5th · Bible, Christian, Islam, Jesus, Quran

While we’re in this neighborhood (see last couple of posts): Though I generally shared his sentiments, I wish CNN’s Rick Sanchez had been more journalist than TV personality in his interview of Pastor Terry Thomas. It may have helped to see and hear more of the “Islam is of the Devil” pastor’s thinking.


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Rabbi Michael Lerner: ‘Shame on ADL’

August 5th · Islam, Jewish, Muslim, The Palm Beach Post

I really enjoyed talking with Abraham Foxman during his annual visits with The Palm Beach Post editorial board. But you have to wonder if it isn’t time for fresh leadership at ADL national. In any event I agree with Rabbi Lerner, Tikkun Magazine editor, that the Anti-Defamation League badly missed the mosque moment:

ADL leader Abe Foxman presented the position of this organization, which claims to oppose discrimination, by reading a formal statement that seemed to be a perfect example of “shooting and crying” (first you attack brutally, then you cry about how sad it is to be put into this difficult position, often blaming the victims for having “forced” you to attack them).

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Burning the Qur’an? ‘Wherever they burn books, they will in the end Burn Human Beings’

August 2nd · Muslim, Quran

I love it when truly knowledgeable folks other than Muslims speak on Islam. If it gets any better than University of Michigan Prof. Juan Cole at his Informed Comment site, someone let me know. And don’t miss the informed comments.

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More Bible on the Beach: transcendent shared values

August 1st · Bible, Christian, Interfaith

Another wonderful job Saturday by my friend Tee Jackson, sharing universal principles from a Christian perspective with her dawn class at the Lake Worth Municipal Beach. Yep, “Where there is unity there is peace; where there is disunity there is discord.” She’s right about “Exercising Your Faith.” Some scenes:


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Haiti needs MORE

July 29th · Haiti

Actor Sean Penn on his work in Haiti.

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